Our Family Dental Practice in Surrey

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Bringing Out Your Smile

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you! We want to help you feel confident and show off those healthy, bright teeth for the world to see. We can do just that by working with you to maintain your oral health while achieving whiter and better-aligned teeth.

Whether you’re seeking an exceptional first dental experience for your child or cosmetic dentistry to improve your smile’s appearance, we’re here to help. Get in touch with us to schedule a visit today!

Our Commitment

We believe that by looking after your oral health, we can assist in caring for your overall wellbeing. By acquiring technologies that help us diagnose complex issues and assist in treatment, we can personally serve you and your family by providing comprehensive dental care. 

Our commitment to you is that we’ll strive to continuously improve our services, create an open and approachable environment, and never stop genuinely caring about every aspect of your oral health.

Our Team


Dr. Anilkumar Madivalar Gopi



Rhodora Rodenas

Registered Dental Hygienist


Anisha Sahni

Scheduling Manager


Mrs. Amarpreet Mangat

Corporate Manager/ Clinical Coordinator


Ramandeep Kaur

Dental Office Administrator


Lovepreet Kaur

Certified Dental Assistant

Focused Dental Care for You

Schedule your appointment today to discover focused, committed, straightforward dental care that puts your family’s needs first. We’re here to provide quality dental care to maintain oral health and ensure you keep smiling wide and bright.

Our Location

Find us right in Newton Town Centre off 138 Street! Plenty of parking is available, just pull in and find your space. We’re looking forward to seeing you!

Our Address

  • #151 7135 138 street
  • Surrey, British Columbia V3X 0J7

Contact Information

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